Real Digital Experience Monitor

Track and Optimize Real User Interactions with RUM

Gain valuable insights into the performance of web applications through visual monitoring of user experiences across various browsers and platforms.

Trusted by 1500+ commerce brands to enhance their web performance

"Nitrogen Platform has enabled Croma to provide our customers with a consistent digital experience and managed traffic spikes. Our website showed a good 36% performance gain along with reduced infrastructure costs and better security. Biggest differentiation was the DOM optimization feature that gave a significant boost to our performance. The Human Detection Module gave us a good handle on security as it works not only in binary fashion but has an ability to throttle traffic from different sources.”

Ranjit Satyanath, CIO (Infiniti Retail Ltd.), Croma

Lets resolve your front end website performance issues

Experience, Page load, Volume – See all at one glance!

  • In order to enhance customer experience, see how fast your website page loads.
  • In order to track changes in customer behaviour based on website performance use N7 RUM software.
  • Get to know the Frontend, Backend and DNS Network, so that you can track the issues with your website and resolve them quicker.

Lets understand your customers to the best ability!

Find out what devices are your customers using and how is the customer experience in those devices

  • Analyze your customers device preferences and improve marketing channels.
  • Analyze whether the website is loading slowly in areas where the network bandwidth is low.
  • Track your web vitals performance in comparison to competitors and nitro-boost your google search rankings!

Nitro-quick page loading!

Access your page load breakdown and get an in depth analysis based on different users from different locations using various devices.

  • Check your LCP and FCP to understand how fast the website content loads in order to provide the nitro - quick experience!
  • Notice how users are being affected with slow loading websites.
  • You can track your site performance based on geography and rectify simultaneously.
  • Once you look at your page load time for individual pages, update your design team to take action!

Ready to give your customers the best online shopping experience?

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Stay ahead of the curve by getting access to the latest resources, tools and industry news to create a better experience for users!